API Reference
Random Vector Generation
— Functionrvec(n::Int, rho::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, margins::AbstractVector{<:UnivariateDistribution})
Generate samples for a list of marginal distributions and a correaltion structure.
julia> using Distributions
julia> margins = [Normal(3, 1), LogNormal(3, 1), Exponential(3)]
julia> R = [
1.00 -0.23 0.12
-0.23 1.00 -0.46
0.12 -0.46 1.00
julia> rvec(10, R, margins)
10×3 Matrix{Float64}:
3.89423 38.6339 1.30088
5.87344 11.5582 5.25233
3.62383 20.4001 3.25627
3.65075 3.8316 4.48547
1.62223 9.95032 1.48367
3.42208 35.0998 0.644814
1.82689 58.417 0.580125
4.73678 4.75506 11.2741
1.92511 9.44913 0.651013
3.19883 39.3707 0.581781
— Functionrmvn(n::Int[, μ::AbstractVector{<:Real}], Σ::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Utilizes available threads for fast generation of multivariate normal samples.
julia> μ = [-3, 1, 10];
julia> S = cor_randPD(3)
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -0.663633 -0.0909108
-0.663633 1.0 0.151582
-0.0909108 0.151582 1.0
julia> rmvn(10, μ, S)
10×3 Matrix{Float64}:
-1.32616 -1.02602 11.0202
-3.59396 2.84145 8.84367
-0.441537 -1.53279 8.82931
-4.69202 2.84618 10.5977
-2.63359 2.65779 9.8374
-3.75917 2.07208 8.90139
-3.00716 0.00897664 10.1173
-3.00928 0.851214 9.74029
-3.43021 0.402382 9.51274
-1.77849 0.157933 9.15944
Correlation Types
— TypeCorType
A type used for specifiying the type of correlation. Supported correlations are:
— ConstantPearson
Pearson's $r$ product-moment correlation
— ConstantSpearman
Spearman's $ρ$ rank correlation
— ConstantKendall
Kendall's $τ$ rank correlation
Correlation Computation
— Functioncor(x[, y], ::CorType)
Compute the correlation matrix of a given type.
The possible correlation types are:
julia> x = [-1.62169 0.0158613 0.500375 -0.794381
2.50689 3.31666 -1.3049 2.16058
0.495674 0.348621 -0.614451 -0.193579
2.32149 2.18847 -1.83165 2.08399
-0.0573697 0.39908 0.270117 0.658458
0.365239 -0.321493 -1.60223 -0.199998
-0.55521 -0.898513 0.690267 0.857519
-0.356979 -1.03724 0.714859 -0.719657
-3.38438 -1.93058 1.77413 -1.23657
1.57527 0.836351 -1.13275 -0.277048];
julia> cor(x, Pearson)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.86985 -0.891312 0.767433
0.86985 1.0 -0.767115 0.817407
-0.891312 -0.767115 1.0 -0.596762
0.767433 0.817407 -0.596762 1.0
julia> cor(x, Spearman)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.866667 -0.854545 0.709091
0.866667 1.0 -0.781818 0.684848
-0.854545 -0.781818 1.0 -0.612121
0.709091 0.684848 -0.612121 1.0
julia> cor(x, Kendall)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.733333 -0.688889 0.555556
0.733333 1.0 -0.688889 0.555556
-0.688889 -0.688889 1.0 -0.422222
0.555556 0.555556 -0.422222 1.0
— Functioncor_fast(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, C::CorType=Pearson)
Calculate the correlation matrix in parallel using available threads.
— Functioncor_bounds(d1::UnivariateDistribution, d2::UnivariateDistribution, cortype::CorType, samples::Int)
Compute the stochastic lower and upper correlation bounds between two marginal distributions.
This method relies on sampling from each distribution and then estimating the specified correlation between the sorted samples. Because the samples are random, there will be some variation in the answer for each call to cor_bounds
. Increasing the number of samples will increase the accuracy of the estimate, but will also take longer to sort. Therefore ≈100,000 samples (the default) are recommended so that it runs fast while still returning a good estimate.
The possible correlation types are:
julia> using Distributions
julia> A = Normal(78, 10); B = LogNormal(3, 1);
julia> cor_bounds(A, B)
(lower = -0.7646512417819491, upper = 0.7649206069306482)
julia> cor_bounds(A, B, 1e6)
(lower = -0.765850375468031, upper = 0.7655170605697716)
julia> cor_bounds(A, B, Pearson)
(lower = -0.7631871539735006, upper = 0.7624398609255689)
julia> cor_bounds(A, B, Spearman, 250_000)
(lower = -1.0, upper = 1.0)
cor_bounds(margins::AbstractVector{<:UnivariateDistribution}, cortype::CorType, samples::Int)
Compute the stochastic pairwise lower and upper correlation bounds between a set of marginal distributions.
The possible correlation types are:
julia> using Distributions
julia> margins = [Normal(78, 10), Binomial(20, 0.2), LogNormal(3, 1)];
julia> lower, upper = cor_bounds(margins, Pearson);
julia> lower
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -0.983111 -0.768184
-0.983111 1.0 -0.702151
-0.768184 -0.702151 1.0
julia> upper
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.982471 0.766727
0.982471 1.0 0.798379
0.766727 0.798379 1.0
Random Correlation Matrix
— Functioncor_randPSD(T::Type{<:Real}, d::Int, k::Int=d-1)
Return a random positive semidefinite correlation matrix where d
is the dimension ($d ≥ 1$) and k
is the number of factor loadings ($1 ≤ k < d$).
See also: cor_randPD
julia> cor_randPSD(Float64, 4, 2)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.276386 0.572837 0.192875
0.276386 1.0 0.493806 -0.352386
0.572837 0.493806 1.0 -0.450259
0.192875 -0.352386 -0.450259 1.0
julia> cor_randPSD(4, 1)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -0.800513 0.541379 -0.650587
-0.800513 1.0 -0.656411 0.788824
0.541379 -0.656411 1.0 -0.533473
-0.650587 0.788824 -0.533473 1.0
julia> cor_randPSD(4)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.81691 -0.27188 0.289011
0.81691 1.0 -0.44968 0.190938
-0.27188 -0.44968 1.0 -0.102597
0.289011 0.190938 -0.102597 1.0
— Functioncor_randPD(T::Type{<:Real}, d::Int, k::Int=d-1)
The same as cor_randPSD
, but calls cor_fastPD
to ensure that the returned matrix is positive definite.
julia> cor_randPD(Float64, 4, 2)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.458549 -0.33164 0.492572
0.458549 1.0 -0.280873 0.62544
-0.33164 -0.280873 1.0 -0.315011
0.492572 0.62544 -0.315011 1.0
julia> cor_randPD(4, 1)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -0.0406469 -0.127517 -0.133308
-0.0406469 1.0 0.265604 0.277665
-0.127517 0.265604 1.0 0.871089
-0.133308 0.277665 0.871089 1.0
julia> cor_randPD(4)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.356488 0.701521 -0.251671
0.356488 1.0 0.382787 -0.117748
0.701521 0.382787 1.0 -0.424952
-0.251671 -0.117748 -0.424952 1.0
Converting Correlation Types
— Functioncor_convert(X, from, to)
Convert from one type of correlation matrix to another.
The role of conversion in this package is typically used from either Spearman or Kendall to Pearson where the Pearson correlation is used in the generation of random multivariate normal samples. After converting, the correlation matrix may not be positive semidefinite, so it is recommended to check using LinearAlgebra.isposdef
, and subsequently calling cor_nearPD
See also: cor_nearPD
, cor_fastPD
The possible correlation types are:
julia> r = [ 1.0 -0.634114 0.551645 0.548993
-0.634114 1.0 -0.332105 -0.772114
0.551645 -0.332105 1.0 0.143949
0.548993 -0.772114 0.143949 1.0];
julia> cor_convert(r, Pearson, Spearman)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -0.616168 0.533701 0.531067
-0.616168 1.0 -0.318613 -0.756979
0.533701 -0.318613 1.0 0.13758
0.531067 -0.756979 0.13758 1.0
julia> cor_convert(r, Spearman, Kendall)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -0.452063 0.385867 0.383807
-0.452063 1.0 -0.224941 -0.576435
0.385867 -0.224941 1.0 0.0962413
0.383807 -0.576435 0.0962413 1.0
julia> r == cor_convert(r, Pearson, Pearson)
Correlation Utils
Convert a correlation matrix using other utilities.
— Functioncor_constrain(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Constrain a matrix so that its diagonal elements are 1, off-diagonal elements are bounded between -1 and 1, and a symmetric view of the upper triangle is made.
See also: cor_constrain!
julia> a = [ 0.802271 0.149801 -1.1072 1.13451
0.869788 -0.824395 0.38965 0.965936
-1.45353 -1.29282 0.417233 -0.362526
0.638291 -0.682503 1.12092 -1.27018];
julia> cor_constrain(a)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.149801 -1.0 1.0
0.149801 1.0 0.38965 0.965936
-1.0 0.38965 1.0 -0.362526
1.0 0.965936 -0.362526 1.0
— Functioncor_constrain!(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Same as cor_constrain
, except that the matrix is updated in place to save memory.
— Functioncov2cor(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Transform a covariance matrix into a correlation matrix.
If $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ is a covariance matrix, then
\[\tilde{X} = D^{-1/2} X D^{-1/2}, \quad D = \mathrm{diag(X)}\]
is the associated correlation matrix.
— Functioncov2cor!(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Same as cov2cor
, except that the matrix is updated in place to save memory.
— Functionis_correlation(X)
Check if the given matrix passes all the checks required to be a valid correlation matrix.
A matrix is a valid correlation matrix if:
- Square
- Symmetric
- Diagonal elements are equal to
- Off diagonal elements are between
- Is positive definite
julia> x = rand(3, 3)
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
0.834446 0.183285 0.837872
0.637295 0.270709 0.458703
0.626566 0.736907 0.61903
julia> is_correlation(x)
julia> x = cor_randPD(3)
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.190911 0.449104
0.190911 1.0 0.636305
0.449104 0.636305 1.0
julia> is_correlation(x)
julia> r_negdef = [
1.00 0.82 0.56 0.44
0.82 1.00 0.28 0.85
0.56 0.28 1.00 0.22
0.44 0.85 0.22 1.00
julia> is_correlation(r_negdef)
Nearest Correlation Matrix
Provided by NearestCorrelationMatrix.jl
— TypeNearestCorrelationAlgorithm
Defines the abstract type for nearest correlation algorithms.
— TypeNewton(; kwargs...)
: a tuning parameter controlling the smallest eigenvalue of the resulting matrixtol
: the tolerance used as a stopping condition during iterationstol_cg
: the tolerance used in the conjugate gradient methodtol_ls
: the tolerance used in the line search methoditer_outer
: the max number of Newton stepsiter_inner
: the max number of refinements during the Newton stepiter_cg
: the max number of iterations in the conjugate gradient method
— TypeAlternatingProjection(; maxiter=100, tol=1e-6)
The alternating projections algorithm developed by Nick Higham.
— TypeDirectProjection(; τ=1e-6)
Single step projection of the input matrix into the set of correlation matrices. Useful when a "close" correlation matrix is needed without concern for it being the most optimal.
: a tuning parameter controlling the smallest eigenvalue of the resulting matrix
— Functiondefault_alg()
Returns the default algorithm for finding the nearest correlation matrix.
— Functionnearest_cor(R::AbstractMatrix{<:AbstractFloat}, alg::NearestCorrelationAlgorithm)
Return the nearest positive definite correlation matrix to R
julia> import LinearAlgebra: isposdef
julia> r = [
1.00 0.82 0.56 0.44
0.82 1.00 0.28 0.85
0.56 0.28 1.00 0.22
0.44 0.85 0.22 1.00
julia> isposdef(r)
julia> p = nearest_cor(r)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.817095 0.559306 0.440514
0.817095 1.0 0.280196 0.847352
0.559306 0.280196 1.0 0.219582
0.440514 0.847352 0.219582 1.0
julia> isposdef(p)
— Functionnearest_cor!(R::AbstractMatrix{<:AbstractFloat}, alg::NearestCorrelationAlgorithm)
Return the nearest positive definite correlation matrix to R
. This method updates R
in place.
julia> import LinearAlgebra: isposdef
julia> r = [
1.00 0.82 0.56 0.44
0.82 1.00 0.28 0.85
0.56 0.28 1.00 0.22
0.44 0.85 0.22 1.00
julia> isposdef(r)
julia> nearest_cor!(r)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.817095 0.559306 0.440514
0.817095 1.0 0.280196 0.847352
0.559306 0.280196 1.0 0.219582
0.440514 0.847352 0.219582 1.0
julia> isposdef(r)
Simplified Wrappers
— Functioncor_nearPD(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Return the nearest positive definite correlation matrix to X
See also: cor_nearPSD
, cor_fastPD
— Functioncor_nearPD!(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Same as cor_nearPD
, but saves space by overwriting the input X
instead of creating a copy.
See also: cor_nearPSD!
, cor_fastPD!
— Functioncor_nearPSD(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Return the nearest positive [semi-] definite correlation matrix to X
See also: cor_nearPD
, cor_fastPD
— Functioncor_nearPSD!(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
Same as cor_nearPSD
, but saves space by overwriting the input X
instead of creating a copy.
See also: cor_nearPD!
, cor_fastPD!
— Functioncor_fastPD(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, tau=1e-6)
Return a positive definite correlation matrix that is close to X
. tau
is a tuning parameter that controls the minimum eigenvalue of the resulting matrix. τ
can be set to zero if only a positive semidefinite matrix is needed.
See also: cor_nearPD
, cor_nearPSD
— Functioncor_fastPD!(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, tau=1e-6)
Same as cor_fastPD
, but saves space by overwriting the input X
instead of creating a copy.
See also: cor_nearPD!
, cor_nearPSD!
Pearson Correlation Matching
— Functionpearson_match(p::Real, d1::UnivariateDistribution, d2::UnivariateDistribution, n=7)
Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient to be used in a bivariate Gaussian copula.
pearson_match(rho, margins, n=21)
Pairwise compute the Pearson correlation coefficient to be used in a bivariate Gaussian copula. Ensures that the resulting matrix is a valid correlation matrix.
— Functionpearson_bounds(d1::UnivariateDistribution, d2::UnivariateDistribution, n::Int=10)
Determine the range of admissible Pearson correlations between two distributions.